Last week I celebrated the
Obama victory by buying a ferret. I named him Lexington Cabot III but he might be a she or something else. I think it is a he but I don't know what a ferret penis looks like so my new pet BFF might be a transgendered animal.
No matter, I will love my new transgender pet as if he or she were male or female. The problem is not EVERYONE ELSE treats Lex the same.
I brought Lex with me to Starbucks for my daily adventures in blogging only to have the manager told me he was not "welcome".
Now at this time the five meds I take so I don't flip out and kill short-sighted, bigoted neo-cons had yet to kick in and my blood pressure was boiling.
"What do you mean he is not (fingers making the quotation marks in the air) "welcome" I asked him to which he replied: "Because animals in the store are a violation of the Board of Health regulations."
Please! Lex isn't allowed in the store because of his being a transgender pet, not because of some rules written by right-wing politicians. I made sure to bring this to his attention and let him know in no uncertain terms how in a country where we just elected an African-American as President we are still racist if a transgender ferret can not be allowed to sit at the lunch counter of a Starbucks.
It is pet suffrage plain and simple.
My outrage turned to a shouting match and then Lex bit the manager. He deserved it!
Now I am banned from the Starbucks. Fine! They will miss out on my consumption of their tap water every day while I blogged.
In a way I am glad this happened. All the employees used to give me dirty looks every time I ordered the free water. I think they were all republicans jealous of us liberals in power now.
So here I am back at the smelly McDonald's with the free wifi. At least Lex is by my side. :)